Our Mission – 2nd Quarter Newsletter

On the 22nd May 2022, I had the priviledge of attending the beatification of Pauline-Marie Jaricot in Lyon, France, which coincided with the annual General Assembly of the National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies.

120 directors gather each year for the General Assembly, usually in Rome, but this year the assembly was held in Lyon, to coincide with the beatification of our founder, Pauline-Marie Jaricot. 

It was indeed a spirit filled occasion where we were able to walk in the footsteps of Pauline Jaricot; visit the churches where she worshipped and gave her life to the Lord; and experience some of the rich spiritual history of the church in Lyon. 

Pauline was just 23 years old when her idea to engage all the baptised to pray for the mission of the church, and to make a small monetary contribution from their charity to support the church in poorer countries, brought about a transformation in the life of the church.

Her simple but passionate acts of charity in a small town in France blossomed into one of the most impactful missionary organizations in our world today, the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, one of the four Pontifical Mission Societies.

At the beginning of the General Assembly, Fr Tadeusz Nowak, the Secretary General of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith unveiled a new Icon of Pauline Jaricot, which was presented to the Pontifical Mission Societies by the PMS National Office in France.

In this issue of Our Mission we will have an opportunity to reflect on the life of Pauline Jaricot beginning with the message that Pope Francis wrote to the National Directors who were gathered in Lyon for their annual assembly. 

We will also take a look at the new Icon and explore the significance of the different side panels, before taking some time to reflect on the beatification ceremony, and share some of the insights of Cardinal Tagle, the prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, who presided at the Mass, and Archbishop Olivier de Germay, the metropolitan archbishop of Lyon, who welcomed the beatification of Pauline Jaricot ‘wholeheartedly’. 

In addition we will take time to reflect on the message offered by Pope Francis for World Mission Sunday 2022, along with a preview of the upcoming Jubilee Year, following the publication of the Jubilee Logo earlier this week. 

This issue concludes with some news from the church around the world, including a call for prayers for peace in Mexico.           

To receive a copy of our most recent Newsletter – Our Mission – please email us at info@missio-sacbc.org or whatsapps us at +27 62 247 7698 and we will be happy to forward you a copy.

Yours in Mission,

Fr Jerry